RESPECT. I really enjoyed the contributions for Charlies' show and that is why I'm eager to watch more of your work. I also have a lot of respect for the fact that you share your works with the world, for free. If I was a rich man, I would contribute/donate money. In stead, I will tell my friends how awesome you are. Thanks for some great insights concerning the mass media [I've only seen your screenwipe/2011wipe work, so I am excited to watch this documentary.
I'd like to point out that there is a latency on the documentary [about 5 seconds difference between sound and video]. It doesn't really bother me, because it doesn't affect the information, but I'm just pointing it out.
Also, I was really impressed by your views and thoughts and the way you expressed it in the documentary.
When are you going to make a new shortfilm/documentary?
This film THE TRAP is cogently exploring a system of social control, wrestling with the corruptions of both the individual and collective, that, most pertinently, has to be labelled democratic fascism, at root authoritarianism in its most cloying and destructive expression. It mangles the circle with the platform,to a degree that any opposition to it is in danger of becoming directionless. Creepy stuff!
RESPECT. I really enjoyed the contributions for Charlies' show and that is why I'm eager to watch more of your work. I also have a lot of respect for the fact that you share your works with the world, for free. If I was a rich man, I would contribute/donate money. In stead, I will tell my friends how awesome you are. Thanks for some great insights concerning the mass media [I've only seen your screenwipe/2011wipe work, so I am excited to watch this documentary.
You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
I'd like to point out that there is a latency on the documentary [about 5 seconds difference between sound and video]. It doesn't really bother me, because it doesn't affect the information, but I'm just pointing it out.
Also, I was really impressed by your views and thoughts and the way you expressed it in the documentary.
When are you going to make a new shortfilm/documentary?
This film THE TRAP is cogently exploring a system of social control, wrestling with the corruptions of both the individual and collective, that, most pertinently, has to be labelled democratic fascism, at root authoritarianism in its most cloying and destructive expression. It mangles the circle with the platform,to a degree that any opposition to it is in danger of becoming directionless. Creepy stuff!
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